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Can I Be A UI Designer If I Can’t Draw?


Sketching out ideas and brainstorming on paper are excellent ways to get UI ideas started, but ultimately the finals will be on the computer so true drawing ability is not a real requirement.

If you more mean to say you do not have a lot of “artistic ability”, and are worried about your ability to create beautiful UIs, for this as well do not worry you can do it.

Humans evolved to recognize beauty, and you can instinctively know when something looks better than another. By looking at great designs, learning how to deconstruct them and understand them, and practicing how to then create them yourself, you can become a UI designer.

On your journey make sure to learn all about UX as well. A nice UI that is impossible to understand is useless.

Something that is beautiful and works beautiful is truly a thing of…well…beauty.

Trevor Alexander

Trevor Alexander has been an active designer in the tech industry for over sixteen years. During that time he has been a part of three successfully sold start-ups and has had responsibilities ranging from solitary designer, to design lead, to VP of Product. Trevor has had the pleasure of working with, hiring, and managing many designers during the course of his career.

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